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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Open Letter to Facebook Friends during Election Season

Dear Facebook Friend,

I really like you in person.  Some of you are family, neighborhood friends, old high school classmates or that rare person who I met at one time and we became friends on FB. You surprise me when you like a post and I’m reminded that you’re in my circle.  Maybe one of your kids went to preschool with one of mine?  Maybe we chatted weekly at the beach? Maybe we worked together in the early ‘90s?   A few of you I’ve only met virtually, but over the years I feel like we’ve become close (mostly that’s my group of Ebay selling Moms that I met as we were all home with young kids and found Ebay selling as an outlet from the daily grind of diapers and food prep.)

As you post pictures of your children, vacations and anything you find beautiful, I’m right there to click “like” and give some positive comments.  You in turn support me and compliment me every time I change my profile photo. This social experiment has brought out the best in us with encouragement and positivity.

And then a Presidential Election looms…you just posted a meme calling another adult an idiot, liar, Nazi, evil incarnate. You became overly dramatic as you are worried that one candidate poses “danger” and claim to be “scared” if he/she wins the election.  You pretend to understand that the media has manipulated the 2 party system to falsely pit neighbor against neighbor, yet you continue to share images that are incredibly divisive.  You take one person’s single statement and claim that represents they are entirely on one side of the political spectrum (opposite you).  You make that one tame statement into something that represents hate of all that is right and good in this nation. 
The image that your Facebook activity creates of you has changed from that loving, kind person I know to a righteous, dramatic, opinionated antagonist.

During the past few months I’ve clicked on “Hide this Post” followed by “see less from Jane Doe” many times.  I miss your happy times and your funny rants.  If I waited one too many times before unfollowing you, my impression of you has been irrevocably damaged.

Please think before you post or “like” something. Everything you “like” pops up on my feed. If you are like me, your circle of friends is wide and varied. This variety encourages thoughtful discussions and exchanges of ideas.  Unfortunately most of what I see lacks thought or civil discourse. 



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