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Friday, September 25, 2015

School Open House ~ High School years

I'm Henry's mom, but I'm not "Henry's Mom." 

When you go the school’s open house, introduce yourself to the teacher confidently with your first and last name.  The teacher’s face will indicate if they have made the connection to your child and whether or not that connection was favorable. The habit of retaining your own identity will prove beneficial to you and your child.  It’s a small thing, but you’ll see. You want to be your own person and you want your child to view you as a person with her own motivations, not solely the moon that revolves around your youngster’s being. (obvious disclaimer: if your last name and your child’s is different you are used to making clarifications…and you probably don’t need help remaining your own being as your name choice has already mandated your independent status).

Stumbled into a classroom last night where I became trapped in a Febreze cloud...cough, cough, choke, I'm posting this Public Service Announcement.  I avoid negative posts, but do we really want to breathe this stuff in?
Dangers of Febreze

The smell of CLEAN is nothing (void, neutral) and fresh air comes from outside not an aerosol can.

Friday, September 11, 2015

What to make for Dinner (Oh, yeah it's 5:30....)

We are Back to School and I can’t say I’m disappointed to be back into a routine.  But do you ever just not mentally plan dinner and before you know its 5:30?  Here are a few hints:
  •  Throw some butter in a skillet and add some chopped garlic & onions.  Anyone who comes home will get a whiff and think you’ve begun a well-planned meal.  Then you can defrost some meat in the microwave and try to pull something together.
  •  Have a young child prepare “cheese toast” or “garlic bread.” Even though it’s a fatty, not very healthful side dish, no one will complain because they will need to praise the little one’s cooking talents. (Last night I had steaks, beet greens/bok choy and….what else? …. Oh, yes, “little one, come here, you get to make CHEESE TOAST!”
  • Keep jarred pickles, beets, olives, etc. on hand.  When your dinner is lacking and/or not very colorful, pick one of these items and pour into a small glass bowl.  Oh, now the table looks so pretty!
Please comment below and add your own helpful hints for pulling together dinner in a jiffy without caving and ordering pizza.