In the past I'd arrive to the tiny cold exam room and be told to put on 2 sheets of paper. One was supposed to be a top and the other was supposed to wrap around like a sarong. Exit nurse - Engage butterfingers as I attempt to unfold the "top" without tearing it. If I managed to get both pieces positioned on my body I would then try to scoot up to the exam table and hear the inevitable rip. Then I would have to sit with arms fully engaged holding the paper over myself. I'm not extremely shy, but it's cold and the lights are very bright!
Now I bring my own gown. I keep an old nursing gown for this purpose. It scrunches small enough to be tossed in my purse. I think a short cotton robe would be even better (opening in front.) I still take the sarong-paper sheet for a little extra coverage. I can pretend I have a blanket draping over my legs.
Prep work: most of us figure out after several years that they will ask the first day of our last cycle, so make sure to have that date in your mind. I spent years mumbling days before the nurse would point to a calendar as if that would help my temporary mental incompetence.
As I've aged from taking 0 meds and 0 vitamins, they now ask those questions. And they want to know exact milligrams! This one I've solved easily by taking a photo of my vitamins (thankfully, no regular meds yet!) before I leave. I can just pull up the picture on my phone and read it off to them.
My visit today is done and I get to do this again with my GP in 2 weeks. The good part is I showed a weight loss this year and proudly showed off my Better Homes & Gardens article!
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