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Thursday, March 5, 2015

Have you heard of Norwex? My first Experience with a Company that promises to Radically Reduce Chemical Toxins in the Home

The Norwex party my niece invited me to appealed for the following reasons: 1. Something to do on a Tuesday night and support a family member, 2. I truly like the idea of chemical-free products for the home and 3. Since achieving my “Master-housewife” award after 15 years of homemaking I was sure I could find a product to purchase and try.
My guest hostess, Kathy, could rival the best “Seen on TV” hawkers.  She exuded sincerity while performing truly unbelievable feats with Norwex products. Caught up in the excitement I decided to start with the basic Enviro Cloth and Glass Cloth. Kathy had made it look like these items (with a little water) could clean everything from windows to counters to woodwork. I spent my budgeted limit for home party purchases and said good night, with just a twinge of “oh my gosh, why did I spend so much on 2 little cloths!”

 After driving my sister-in-law home I arrived home in time to head up stairs and tuck in my youngest child.  Wait! What is that on my antique wood floor?  Oh, just another pile of cat barf that has started to dry up (we have radiant heat under the floors).  As I turned on the foyer chandelier to get a better look, I noticed the finger prints my children had left on the walls. “What an Idiot I was to spend all that money on those stupid cloths, this type of mess is my reality and it requires: rubber gloves, lots of paper towels, whatever spray cleaner is handy and some elbow grease. Oh well, I've wasted more money at other times, I’ll just tighten my budget this month.”

When I received my order I wet the Enviro cloth and gave it whirl, in the kitchen I wiped all surfaces, then went on to light switches, walls, appliances.  Weird how dirt was being lifted without any type of “soap.”   In the past I had to scrub with the Magic Eraser to remove some of the grime (and that left my hands tingling, so I knew there was something unhealthy in that thing).  In the morning the sunlight hits my kitchen in such a bright way that NO piece of dirt is left unexposed.  After using the Enviro Cloth and Glass cloth casually for a couple of days, my kitchen (and rest of the house too) started feeling cleaner than it ever had! Formerly I had used a sponge to wipe a kitchen surface, followed by drying with a kitchen towel, the surface was cleaned but not CLEAN.  After using the Enviro Cloth, I felt I could lay down across my enamel table top, it was so CLEAN.  Other areas of the house that were cleaned weekly with dust cloths, Pledge, Glass Cleaner, paper towels, etc. could now all be tackled with just these 2 items and the results were better and longer lasting than before!

Ok, so what’s up with this stuff?  Consulting my husband, or “scientist in residence” we discovered that the infusion of silver is the cause.  Silver is a natural killer!  Many years ago it was used in home cleaning but was removed due to Silver Poisoning.  Upon reading the Norwex catalog I noticed a warning not to use Enviro Cloths on dishes.  The process makes sense and refraining from washing dishes with your Enviro Cloth is really the only precaution.  (I’m sure I have more silver in my old dental fillings than I could possible absorb by using the Enviro Cloth.) 

So, back to my reality: at this point, I can almost say that I would use an Enviro Cloth and water to wipe up the cat barf; still a bit of an ick-factor to get over though.  Today I purchased the Safe Haven package which will give me an additional Enviro & Glass cloth set (for the upstairs), a dusting mitt, the Laundry detergent and cleaning paste, a kitchen cloth set and a face cloth set.  I look forward to exploring these new items.

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